Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 11 - Reflecting on first week

I've officially finished the first week so I am sitting down trying to record any changes that have occurred this week.  I have less pain and less bloating, but am still exhausted,  have stinky farts, and now reek of garlic (I like to call it parfum de garlique) and my boyfriend is making himself scarce. Hmmmm.....
Well overall it's an improvement, I think. I have been doing a lot of research, and remarkably I have convinced myself I have leaky gut syndrome. When it was first presented to me, I immediately dismissed the idea when I read the diet detox that came along with the treatment.  The symptoms, history, and progression all make sense. Now the diet doesn't seem so intimidating since I'm immersed in it. I am still hungry a lot of the time but it does seem to be getting easier.  I've eaten out once or twice and seeing pictures of desserts was the hardest temptation to overcome but my dinner guests have not ordered food that I would be too tempted to eat.  The stipulation when eating out comes down to surviving day by day- I can not have certain items within arms reach (at this time). Don't you dare order sweet potato fries, onion rings, anything with cheese or dessert. I must be a lot of fun to eat with. More to come later...
My biggest challenge today comes from stomach pain keeping my appetite to a minimum. Last night I sliced my finger open and went into shock which caused my stomach to cramp up.  I am still feeling the effects today, like a hangover plus a throbbing finger. If I don't eat I feel worse so my "go-to" is a liquid diet anytime I'm not feeling up to digesting. Unfortunately, my injury will cause me to miss participating in trapeze class or rock climbing for some time.  I will need to find something in the meantime to spark my interest while getting some exercise. Any ideas?
I want to tell you about the amazing cauliflower "sauce" I made by accident, but I must go to bed so you'll have to check back tomorrow.  I bet you can hardly wait.

Sardine lunch, not so tasty
Food Journal Day 8 Tuesday

Breakfast: protein shake with spinach, carrot juice, coconut yogurt, and blackberries
Lunch: sardines, avocado, leftover sweet potato wedges, plum
Snack: apple and kiwi with fresh squeezed orange juice
Dinner: salmon and yellowtail sashimi, seaweed, daikon, green tea

Food Journal Day 9 Wednesday
Breakfast: protein shake with spinach, carrot juice, 1 oz. pomegranate juice, blackberries
Lunch: pesto marinated haddock, grapefruit
Snack: cherries
Snack: cucumber slices with sea salt, roasted garlic, pickled ginger
Dinner: lemon baked salmon, gingered beet greens, cauliflower mashed "potatoes"

Food Journal  Day 10 Thursday
Breakfast: protein shake with spinach, orange juice, blueberries, pomegranate juice, aloe juice
Lunch: leftover salmon, wilted spinach, strawberries
Dinner: few bites of roasted vegetables, asparagus (catfish and dinner interrupted by slicing finger open with mandolin then going into shock- no appetite after that)

Having pain after breakfast smoothie, not feeling great, felt better after eating lunch but an hour after that started having grumbling and more pain, headache- smoothie was too sweet this morning, used OJ, all that was available when not at home

Food Journal Day 11 Friday

Breakfast: protein shake with spinach, cranberry juice, strawberries 
Lunch: protein shake with spinach, carrot juice, blueberries, cultured coconut yogurt
Dinner: lemon shrimp, roasted butternut squash, steamed broccoli


  1. you are doing great, sister! A week and a half already done. Day by day ---- day by day.

    you are really consistent on the protein shake in the morning. What kind of mix are you using? Do you recommend any brands, flavors?

  2. Since the popular whey, soy, and rice protein mixes are not allowed on this diet, I am using a hemp protein. Since I'm also broke I have been using what I have before buying more so mine is hemp, pea and rice protein. The money I'm spending on organic fresh fruit and vegetables is ridiculous, and wild fish versus farm-raised is usually more expensive as well. I will need more this week so it will be just hemp protein. I feel a lot better with a smoothie for breakfast, and it's a great substitute since everything I used to eat for breakfast is not allowed.
    The best recommendation I can make is no matter what protein blend you use, always use ice when blending because it helps cover the grittiness, otherwise I don't think I could take them down every morning.

  3. Keep up the good work here. I am an acupuncturist myself, and just attended my first lecture with Dr. K so will be trying this out myself and with patients. Also, has your acupuncturist checked you for a gallbladder pattern? Sorry, but some of you ab pain and bloating may also be related to that (xiao chai hu tang is the formula of the day). Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more! Jen

  4. Steph,
    My name is Dr. Robert McCarthy. I've put about a dozen of my patients on this protocol and I'm getting a new shipment of Repairvite in tomorrow. At that point, I'll be doing it myself for 30 days. I know it's not easy, but having seen the outcomes after 30 days with some really messed up chronically ill patients, IT IS WORTH IT! Keep it up. I hope you won't mind if I refer some of my patients to follow your blog. It's a great idea.
    On a separate note: Two things I noticed, you're not getting enough protein but eating too much fruit. Second, you're not eating often enough. I know it's hard, but you CAN do it. Go Girl!
    Dr. Rob

  5. Jen- I believe I am described with a spleen invading liver pattern? I've had suspicious gall bladder pain but my acupuncturists still thinks it is my liver. I get gall bladder and liver points done regularly. I've also had an ultrasound and blood work for my gall bladder when I thought I was going to die from pain- all normal! I've been on a myriad of Chinese herbs since the beginning but was down to one formula before this detox.

  6. Dr. M- That is fantastic! I am so glad you came across by blathering and thought it was interesting! I appreciate your support, just when I think it's getting easier, an unexpected seriously hard day slaps me in the face. Are you doing the program to gain more insight for your clients? I would love to hear from any of them.
    Thank you so much for looking over my food journal- I have a serious addiction to sugar and I am aware at this point I'm trading fruit for cookies (and carbs for that matter). Do you have any suggestions to add more protein to my diet? Since I don't eat meat, I'm really struggling with ideas. I am going to try and eat more often, but sometimes just figuring out what to eat 3 times a day is all I can come up with!
