Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 4- a rough one

I've heard during detox's it's common to feel sick as the toxins are being released but I didn't think I was doing much of a detox this time.  However, I feel as though I've been run over by a truck and the flu is trying to make residence in my body.  It could be just a coincidence in the timing but either way it sucks.
I figure since I'm writing this blog ultimately for myself, I better write even when I don't want to share my horrible feelings. They are just as important as the good ones, I just hate dumping my negativity into the world.  See, that's where I get myself into trouble, I'd rather hold it all in and it festers inside until it turns into, into something, bad. Pain breeds negativity, I'm sick of being negative more than I am sick of being in pain.
So after a day of feeling pathetic and helpless, I decided I needed to get out of the house and took my dog to the park.  Thank goodness for him. I had an unexpected enlightening conversation (not with my dog) that gave me a much improved perspective.  So here I am, uncomfortable as it is, dumping my thoughts into nowhere land, forcing them out.  I wish I could force out the mucus that's running down my throat as well.

Food Journal
Breakfast: protein shake with coconut milk & blueberries
Snack: fruit bar (last one in the house, finally), later a peach
Lunch: leftover salmon, avocado
Snack: cherries
Dinner: ahi tuna steak in lettuce "bun"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 3-the elusive proteins

My day has started on a good note despite the discomfort in my gut and the poor sleeping quality . Since I started taking the massive amount of supplements I have been feeling less pain, but I also slowly worked into the diet the week before.
My diet this last year was already gluten-free, and dairy-free, although I had been cheating fairly often the last month.  I have been a vegetarian for 14 years, and do not foresee eating meat in my future.  I am nothing if not loyal to my cause. I eat fish because I have justified it in my mind somehow that they are not the same as warm blooded animals and I can't save every animal in the world.  Thank goodness for fish, without this protein source I'm afraid I might wither away.  I have been through the gamut with trying to supplement protein in my diet, it's really a lifelong battle of a restricted vegetarian.  When it comes down to it, everything gives me gas.  I am the fartiest girl I know, well beside one other, you know who you are. Beans and nuts seem to cause worse results, of course the proteins of choice of a veg-head.  Tofu is not good for my "damp spleen" condition so tempeh was my go-to.  I also experimented with the food combining rules and stopped eating fruit with anything else. That actually seemed to help but who am I kidding, when it's between being bloated by 3 inches or 5 inches, does it really matter?
So against my better judgment, I am adding fruit into my diet and we will see what happens.

Whew, is this boring to you? I can talk about health stuff all day. Another trait from my parents, like keeping Styrofoam, because I just might find a use for it someday.

On a different note, exercise has been a huge motivational hurdle for me. When I'm feeling good, I like to be active but when I'm in pain its a vicious cycle. Last night I went to the climbing gym and with the help and encouragement of everyone around I finally finished a route that had been eluding me for months! I realized that I was blaming it on my health, saying I didn't have the physical strength to complete it.  Actually it was all in my head because I went into it with a different attitude of Yes I Can (Thanks Obama) and that's what it took to propel myself up the wall and succeed. It is a little intoxicating and I can't wait to do it again. That is also how I feel about trapeze right now. I'll tell you all about it after my next class on Saturday. Anyway, I have found a direct correlation between my mood and how much activity I get, so I'm always looking for new ways to not only get exercise but enjoy doing it as well.

Food Journal
Breakfast: coconut yogurt with blueberries, herbal tea
Snack: fruit bar (i have got to get these out of the house) instant gratification is the next habit to break
Lunch: leftover tuna salad, nectarine
Snack: coconut aloe juice
Dinner: salmon, asparagus

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 2- The rules of the plan

So today I thought I would go over the rules so you can understand the depth of my despair when I can't stop complaining about how I will die if I don't eat a cookie.

An Anti-Inflammatory diet means eliminating any and all food that can cause irritation and inflammation in your body. This includes:

Sugars-chocolate, honey, agave, candy
High Glycemic fruits
Grains- glutenous items, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, soy, corn, etc.
Dairy-including eggs
Soy-soy protein is in everything!
Alcohol- :(
Lectins- nuts, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers
Processed food

You might be thinking, what can you eat?
Well this list is much smaller

Vegetables- excluding night shade family
Meats- I don't eat meat but fish is included, especially cold water and wild
Low Glycemic fruits- berries, apples, pears, etc.
Coconut- milk, oil, etc.
Fermented foods- kimchi, pickled ginger, mixed pickles, kombucha tea, coconut yogurt
I checked with my acupuncturist and he said I could also have seeds, green tea and shrimp

The supplements I am taking are part of the RepairVite program from Apex Energetics.
RepairVite- not sure exactly what it does other than "repair"
Strengtia- probiotics and arabinogalactans to support intestinal microflora
GI-Synergy- natural compounds with anti-bacterial, anti-yeast, and anti-parasitic properties
I'm also taking DHA Omega 3 and NeuroFlam for my "brain fog", I will elaborate on that later.

This is a description of Leaky Gut from the brochure, I borrowed it from Fair Oaks Healing Center newsletter

Food Journal

Breakfast: protein shake with cultured coconut milk, carrot juice and blueberries
Lunch: leftover sweet potato and avocado from dinner, cherries
Snack: fruit bar, snap peas, carrot juice
Late Snack: coconut yogurt, roasted pumpkin seeds, green tea
Dinner: Tuna salad (avocado, pumpkin seeds, herbs, lemon juice)

Here we go...Day 1

I woke up this morning with only a little dread at what I was starting today.  My attitude has improved over the last week in regards to making this change for my health.  Last week, another acupuncturist advised me that all my symptoms lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome and if I follow the new diet and plan, there is a chance I can feel like myself again.  Last Tuesday was the first time I envisioned myself healthy, happy, and living my life as I want to, not as my body dictates.  This was a huge step for me.

 Just a little history for you...
I began feeling very tired, run down, bloated and generally unhappy with my work life until it became so bad it affected all aspects of my life. I worked in a high stress environment (an emergency animal hospital) and had never learned any skills with how to cope with what I was doing everyday.  At that time I ate a TON of processed food, mostly cheese and crackers, frozen dinners and my most important emotional crutch of all- sugar.  I did not have much of a life outside of the hospital, therefore no outlets to release my pent-up emotions. I started having debilitating abdominal pain and bloating, anxiety, and digestive upsets daily.  I went to doctors, specialists, took tests, xrays, ultrasounds, even looking at my insides with cameras to get the same answer- there is nothing wrong with you. AARRGGGGHHH! So I realized it was going to be more difficult than I thought and I was the only one going to take any initiative to figure out what was wrong with me.  I left my job, starting seeing an acupuncturist, a counselor for my anxiety and making my health my full time job.  Since then I have learned more about myself than I learned my entire lifetime. I have endured a year of gluten-free, dairy free lifestyle with only a small change in symptoms. I've had good weeks and bad weeks, times when I thought I was getting better and times when I wanted to give up. More recently, December 2010 started with feeling o.k. so I began to experiment with adding gluten and cheese.  The holidays took their toll on me and when January arrived, I felt like a train wreck. So here I am...

My thoughts are to share with you my diet and daily happenings in hopes I won't feel so isolated, you won't feel so isolated, because there HAS to be others out there that are going through the same ordeal! Lets chat and I'd love to hear what you're going through as well.

Food Journal The journal is helpful for me to record trends and variety and also to think twice about what I put in my body. When no one else looked in my food journal, I would write down cookie when I should have written 4, now with you looking, I think it will help with the binge cookie habit.

Struggling with setting up my fridge and pantry, which will take days, here's where I started.
Breakfast: protein shake with carrot juice, cultured coconut milk
Snack: coconut yogurt
Lunch: blueberries, fruit bar, roasted pumpkin seeds (snuck into movie theater to watch True Grit)
Dinner: half sweet potato, half avocado, olive oil and red hawaiian sea salt (tastes like bacon bits to me)
13 supplements and powder drink twice a day. Swallowing all these pills gives me heartburn. Ugh.

This is good, now you are holding me accountable and I am less likely to cheat. I am human. It will happen. I haven't gotten to my sugar withdrawals yet, watch out!