Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 21- 3 weeks over, 5 more to go

At 3 weeks in, I wanted to share with you the adaptations I've made during this life-altering program. Don't be fooled if you think it won't flip your life upside down.

The most noticeable difference I can feel is in my kitchen.  I usually have fresh fruit and veggies out on the counter where I can see them.  It used to be rock hard limes, rotten bananas or sprouting potatoes. My fridge has (almost) gone through a metamorphosis.  There is a snack shelf, a leftover meals shelf and the veggie and fruit drawers are full. There is still beer for friends and neighbors when they come over and the cheese drawer is taped shut so I can't even look inside. The reality of living with another prevents removing everything I'd like to. The freezer has plenty of space now for my fish, it used to be full of processed boxes of dinners and such. I hardly ever open the cabinet anymore.  The only reason to open the door is for canned tuna, cans of coconut milk or a jar of artichokes. I call this the carb cabinet now because I would ALWAYS go to it for crackers, chips, and cookies.  Now that I'm not eating that stuff anymore, I realize my entire cabinet is full of CRAP!
 I am going to the grocery store weekly now to always have fresh veggies like spinach and chard and berries on hand. My grocery bills are much higher now, I used to buy what was on sale, now I don't have that luxury. I have made friends with my local seafood man, we have nice conversations every week.  I am still buying fish on sale, but only wild caught and since I go every week I am only buying enough for the week. It also keeps a constant variety in my diet and I am trying new fish I've never cooked before.

As far as lifestyle is concerned, I spend most of my time at home which keeps me more isolated than normal.  I don't look forward to social gatherings right now because food is the worst temptation for me. I haven't been drinking for quite some time so the bar is not a problem for me.  I usually bring food if I'm going to someone's house but restaurants are tough. I have found a few local places that have one thing on the menu that's safe, but unknown situations and unplanned meals occur and I end up starving and frustrated. It's best to plan your meals so you don't make bad choices. I avoid situations that I know will test my willpower. Sure, I should be strong enough to overcome them but I am human, and not about to walk past the donut store to smell that intoxicating scent just to torture myself.
I feel so much better when I exercise but lately I've been struggling with getting enough activity. I always find an excuse not to go to the gym, and the fact that it's been below zero lately doesn't help.  I need to work on prioritizing exercise and incorporating it daily instead of making excuses.  Once my finger heals I will get back into rock climbing and hopefully trapeze. It helps to find things that are stimulating and enjoying, I will look into this more. What do you love to do for exercise?

Lastly, it's worth noting my mood is ever changing. Some days I'm happy and positive and other days I am a tornado of negativity. I am trying to adapt to the roller coaster of emotions by acknowledging that every day is different and trying to pinpoint what makes one day better than another. I have learned a lot about pain and it's role in mood and also healing. I'd like to get into this further at a later point with a clearer mind.

Food Journal Day 21 Monday
Valentines sashimi dinner
My salads aren't very pretty
Breakfast: protein shake with carrot juice, coconut milk, spinach, blueberries, half banana
Lunch: spinach salad w/ leftover cod and veggie latkes, sunflower seeds, lemon oil dressing, kombucha
Snack: blended frozen banana and coconut milk (to take pills with) 
Dinner: sashimi, seaweed, daikon, green tea
Dessert: mango mochi ball

Food Journal Day 22 Tuesday
Breakfast: protein shake with spinach, carrot juice, coconut milk, banana
Lunch: salad with shrimp, artichoke, lemon oil vinaigrette
Snack: fruit leather (at the grocery store and starving)
Dinner: veggie "stir-fry": asparagus, butternut squash, leftover cod, avocado, lemon oil dressing, kombucha
Dessert: coconut yogurt with blueberries and hempseeds
Snack: applesauce (to take pills with)

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