Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 3-the elusive proteins

My day has started on a good note despite the discomfort in my gut and the poor sleeping quality . Since I started taking the massive amount of supplements I have been feeling less pain, but I also slowly worked into the diet the week before.
My diet this last year was already gluten-free, and dairy-free, although I had been cheating fairly often the last month.  I have been a vegetarian for 14 years, and do not foresee eating meat in my future.  I am nothing if not loyal to my cause. I eat fish because I have justified it in my mind somehow that they are not the same as warm blooded animals and I can't save every animal in the world.  Thank goodness for fish, without this protein source I'm afraid I might wither away.  I have been through the gamut with trying to supplement protein in my diet, it's really a lifelong battle of a restricted vegetarian.  When it comes down to it, everything gives me gas.  I am the fartiest girl I know, well beside one other, you know who you are. Beans and nuts seem to cause worse results, of course the proteins of choice of a veg-head.  Tofu is not good for my "damp spleen" condition so tempeh was my go-to.  I also experimented with the food combining rules and stopped eating fruit with anything else. That actually seemed to help but who am I kidding, when it's between being bloated by 3 inches or 5 inches, does it really matter?
So against my better judgment, I am adding fruit into my diet and we will see what happens.

Whew, is this boring to you? I can talk about health stuff all day. Another trait from my parents, like keeping Styrofoam, because I just might find a use for it someday.

On a different note, exercise has been a huge motivational hurdle for me. When I'm feeling good, I like to be active but when I'm in pain its a vicious cycle. Last night I went to the climbing gym and with the help and encouragement of everyone around I finally finished a route that had been eluding me for months! I realized that I was blaming it on my health, saying I didn't have the physical strength to complete it.  Actually it was all in my head because I went into it with a different attitude of Yes I Can (Thanks Obama) and that's what it took to propel myself up the wall and succeed. It is a little intoxicating and I can't wait to do it again. That is also how I feel about trapeze right now. I'll tell you all about it after my next class on Saturday. Anyway, I have found a direct correlation between my mood and how much activity I get, so I'm always looking for new ways to not only get exercise but enjoy doing it as well.

Food Journal
Breakfast: coconut yogurt with blueberries, herbal tea
Snack: fruit bar (i have got to get these out of the house) instant gratification is the next habit to break
Lunch: leftover tuna salad, nectarine
Snack: coconut aloe juice
Dinner: salmon, asparagus

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